Warren County
Historical Society
210 Fourth Avenue
Warren, Pennsylvania 16365
Hours of operation:
Monday through Friday ~ 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
2025 Holiday Closings
A Warren County, Pennsylvania, Veteran History Series
Warren County Historical Society Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Warren County Historical Society to
educational programming through the use of local historical
images, documents, and textiles. This programming will promote
in the county's heritage. To this purpose the organization
will preserve,
interpret, and exhibit the material culture of all
generations in
Warren County, Pennsylvania, since the beginning.
educational resources of the organization will be made available
to all individuals, businesses, municipalities, and organizations.
This mission
will be achieved through the preservation by acquisition and
care of
Warren County related artifacts, images, documents and textiles,
include a genealogical collection and a local history oriented library
that will
be available to members and the general public. This mission
also requires
involvement with the community organizations and
individuals in order to
support and communicate the importance of
historic preservation
and the historical integrity of Warren County,
This mission is held in
the highest regard by the
County Historical Society's board of directors, staff and volunteers.
Funding for the Warren County Historical Society is provided through a
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Cultural and Historic Support Grant.